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Ultimate Awakening & Opening Psychic Gifts Package Combo

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Opening and Awakening Psychic Abilities Healing and Attunement Package Combo

There are 11- 90 Minute healing sessions in this package. There are many powerful attunements that are included to assist you in continuing to open and awaken psychic abilities through self healing. The attunements included in this offer are listed below the descriptions of the healing sessions.

Session One: Removing blocks/Opening to using Gifts and Abilities

This session modules on AwakeningSpiritual Gifts and Psychic Abilities covers:

Removing all blocks to the clientusing their Spiritual Gifts and Psychic Abilities. Opening the client to usingtheir spiritual gifts and psychic abilities. Programming the client withpositive core beliefs that make the client feel comfortable using theirSpiritual Gifts and Psychic Abilities.

Opening the client’s spiritual giftsand abilities one by one:

Session Two: Clairsentience-Thisspiritual gift translates to true feeling. It involves the "gut feeling" and so much more. When this gift is developed you will feel thetruth of a situation accurately not just have a feeling like something is wrongor right or have an impending sense of doom.

Session Three: Claircognizance- This spiritualgift translates to true knowing. It is also called prophetic knowing or theword of knowledge. Accurate knowledge of events and topics just seem to popinto your heal with this spiritual gift.

Session Four: Clairvoyance- Thisspiritual gift translates to sight. This gift involves visions and whendeveloped is the key gift involved in remote viewing.

Session Five Clairaudience- Thisspiritual gift translates to true hearing. You will be able to hear divineguidance. When this gift is developed you will hear your guides and couldpossibly be able to hear and communicate with other spiritual beings.

Session 6: Other psychic abilities-This module can be expanded to include other psychic abilities like:

Precognition- the ability to knowabout the future. Post cognition- This is the ability to know about the past. Psycometry-This is the ability to know things about people and/or events from touching anobject from a person or time period. Others- What ever ability you can think ofcan be open.

Session 7: Further SpiritualAdvancement: This session module is for clients that wish to fully be in theirspiritual power. This module opens up clients to their full spiritual power ina healthy balanced manner:

Masculine energy:

In this session module all blocks tothe client's masculine energy are removed. Masculine energy is the aggressiveenergy that begins the attainment of abundance. Masculine energy is theaggressive energy that initiates manifesting all that we desire in life.

Feminine Energy:

In this session module all blocks tothe client's feminine energy are removed. Feminine energy is the passive energythat allows the attainment of abundance through patiently allowing what wedeserve to come to us with gratitude. Feminine energy is the passive energythat allows the completion of the cycle of manifestation cycle all that wedesire in life by patiently allowing what we have created to come to us with gratitude.

Session 8: Committing to Path in Life:This session module is for people that are terrified at the very notion ofmaking major decisions that will form a/or shape the direction of theirlife.  This session module deals with:

Removing blocks to committing to apath in life. Programming the client with positive core beliefs of being opento committing to a path in life. Programming the client with positive corebeliefs of feeling confident about their life path decisions. Programming theclient with positive core beliefs of feeling divinely guided in their life pathdecisions. Programming the client with positive core beliefs of feelingdivinely supported in their life path decisions. Programming in an over allsense of knowing that their decisions are divinely guided and supported regardlessof what path they choose in life.

Session 9: Divine Life Purpose - Ourdivine life purpose is to bring out our special God given spiritual gifts andpsychic abilities. In this module we open the client to the possibility of thishigher purpose and remove the blocks to that higher purpose in life.

Session 10: Divine Life Mission - Ourdivine life mission is to bring our special God given spiritual gifts andpsychic abilities to the world. In this module we open the client to thepossibility living life with a purpose, open up the client to bringing theirgifts to the world and remove all blocks to bringing their gifts to the world.

Session 11: Attracting Spiritual/GiftedFriends & Communities to you find that your friends drag you down? Do youfeel that you have out grown your current group of friends? This session moduleis for those of you that are in the process of finding and forming new,healthy, loving, trustworthy and supportive friendships and spiritualcommunities.


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