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The Heart of the Hero Activation



The Heart of the Hero Activation is given unto us from Spirit so that life’s disappointments do not dim that heroic spark of the Divine inside of us.

This spark re-ignited by the energy of the Activation will allow us to live a heroic and triumphant life. Through working with the energies of this Activation we will receive higher perspectives during troubling times and the boldness to conquer any challenge we face. The Heart of the Hero Activation carries the energies of David, young shepherd of sheep, biblical hero with whom we can all draw inspiration from his experience when challenged by the Giant Goliath.

The energy of this system will empower us to take up our gifts and use them for the miraculous. Our faith in the Divine will be increased so that we look at even the most insurmountable situations from a Higher Perspective, the Divine’s point of view. Rather than looking at giant problems and seemingly impossible situations from our finite minds we will be one with the Divine mind and realize that not only do we have all the answers, gifts, resources within us we have the Divine to work with us and through situations. We will see things more clearly so that we can find solutions more effectively. This activation enables us to rise, to fear not, to walk boldly into the world, knowing that we are shielded by peace, cloaked in love and empowered by the Love of the Divine. We can forge ahead with bravery knowing that we can overcome any obstacles we face on the path of purpose. As we work with the energy we will receive increased vision –the enhanced ability to focus, to keep our eye on the prize, the goals we want to achieve, the desires of our heart. We will look at risks and boldly and heroically do things anyway so that we achieve whatever we place our mind to achieving.

We will be bold lions!


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