Social Anxiety Disorder Flush
Social anxiety disorder, is an anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. Anxiety, intense nervousness, and self-consciousness arise from a fear of being closely watched, judged, and criticized by others.
The Social Anxiety Disorder Flush is Particularly Helpful in Anxiety provoking situations like:
Asking questions/giving reports in groups
Public Speaking
Being the Center of Attention
Dating, Going to parties, Interacting with Others
Using Public Facilities
Talking on the phone
Working and or writing in front of others
Eating or drinking in front of others
Intense anxiety in social situation
Avoidance of social situations
Physical symptoms of anxiety, including shaking, blushing, tensing muscles, confusion, pounding heart, sweating, upset stomach and diarrhea.
The feeling that ‘something is wrong’
Children who cry often and or cling to parent or throw tantrums
When physical or mental symptoms of anxiety arise
The Social Anxiety Disorder flush is given to us from the Divine Source for Adults and or Children, alike, to remove anxiety, nervousness, self consciousness, fears around being watched, judge and or criticized. Equally the flush will work to help those who love and or care for suffers of Social Anxiety Disorder.
This energy is a powerful support system which flows from the Divine Source embodying compassionate understanding and Divine Aid and Care. The energy assists the SAD sufferer in creating a mind, body and spiritual recovery.
Hope is on the horizon!
The energy of this system will nurture you on your road to recovery so that you are revitalized and have the strength needed to stay healthy for a lifetime!
You will receive the distant attunement directly from the Founder as well as a certificate and the manual.