Relationship Transformation Reiki with the Assistance of Archangel Chamuel
Relationship Transformation Reiki has been given to us by Archangel Chamuel to clear what blocks us from maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship and or attracting a partner with positive attributes. This includes clearing negative, lower natured emotions and false and limiting beliefs about ourselves, others, and relationships based on experiences of the past. These are commonly deeply rooted issues that are in need of being cleared and healed within us.
Relationship Transformation Reiki will clear out things such as indifference, anger, and negativity as even the smallest amount of negativity can create problems in a close relationship or can repel a potential relationship interest. It will clear us of negative feelings about the relationship and about relationships in general.
Relationship Transformation Reiki brings us higher vibrations so that we attract like energy to ourselves. The Higher Vibrations will bring forward higher qualities and attributes from within ourselves which will positively affect the relationship and our relationship partner and or help us to attract someone with similar qualities. It will help us to find greater harmony, happiness and love within ourselves which will transfer into the relationship or potential relationships. One of the purposes of Relationship Transformation Reiki is to support us in building and strengthening intimate relationships.
The energy will support us in maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship by removing negative beliefs and transforming our beliefs so that we know and experience our capability to have a healthy and balanced relationship and our worthiness to have one. The Higher Vibrations will bring out qualities such as support and encouragement so that we can bring harmony to relationships and avoid disharmony, misunderstandings and or uncertainty within relationships.
Further the Higher Vibrations and Energies will help us to have a positive and upbeat attitude by bringing in positive energy to replace the negative energy that is being cleared. In this way, we will be inspired to show genuine displays of happiness which can go a long way in a strained relationship and can also attract potential mates when we are looking for a mate.
Relationship Transformation Reiki will clear the tendency to negatively focus and blame our partner so that we can instead focus on any problems within a relationship rather than the partner. It will inspire us to appreciate things that the relationship partner or potential relationship interest does for us and motivate us to acknowledge and show appreciation consistently.
Additionally, the energies of Relationship Transformation Reiki will help us to appreciate the differences that do exist between us and a relationship partner or potential relationship partner so that we do not try to change others and rather accept differences. It will support us in being able to be approachable and understanding, so that we can listen and not control, judge or be critical. The energies will help us to be reassuring and to express love to relationship partners and or act in loving ways to potential relationship partners.