Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment
This healing modality will help to bring in, awaken,enhance, empower and activate your spiritual and psychic gifts and abilitiesthat are aligned with the divine blueprint made with Spirit prior to you entering into this incarnation. Through using the Psychic Gifts Flush you willflush out anything that has kept you from developing energetic boundaries sothat you have more choice over what enters your field of energy. This willenable you to open your field of energy to your Higher Self as well as your SpiritGuides and other Higher Beings of Light such as the Angels, Archangels,Ascended Masters, etc.
The energy will gently flush blocks that affect you atyour chakras and clear any blocks to your intuition. The empowerment willactivate and develop your strongest psychic gifts. As the blocks are flushedfrom all of your fields of energy and your energetic bodies the energy willactually integrate your psychic abilities into your life successfully as wellas into your human side and mind so that you do not get stuck by any skepticismthe finite mind has come to adopt in form of false and limiting beliefs aboutyour abilities.
Adopt positive attitudes and core beliefs
Confidence in Psychic Abilities
Enhanced Intuitive Skills
Opening to Higher Purposes
Financial Abundance
Spiritual Fulfillment
Alignment with Higher Good and Divine Life Purpose
Commitment to Life Path
Worthiness of Gifts
Manifesting Energy
Removal of Skepticism in Gifts
Energetic Boundaries
Enhanced communication with Higher Beings of Light
Empower and Open Spiritual Gifts