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Multidimensional Awareness Clearing and Activation & Empowerment



With this bundle you will receive attunement to Multidimensional Self Empowerment (29.99) and Multidimensional Awareness Clearing and Activation (29.99). With your purchase you will receive the manuals, distant attunements, certificate, and 60 minutes of healing from the founder of these powerful systems. You will save 30% by purchasing these attunements in this bundle. Plus, buy one bundle and get one bundle free .


Here is more information about these powerful energies.

Multidimensional Self Empowerment

This flush is given unto us so that we can activate and express our multidimensional selves while in human form on the earth plane. This powerful energy will assist us in releasing any beliefs that we still have more to learn in this limited reality so that we can transcend the limits of the third dimensional life. This form is also designed to clear the human energy field of external elements that are not part of the Self, such as thought forms, and negative energy and fragment of other people. It will also remove any limted beliefs we believe while in human form. These limited beliefs will be lifted in such a way that we no longer have self imposed limitations or are lost in the illusions of separation and limitation.

As our multidimensional self is awakened this will bring us enlightenment.  As the energy sweeps through us we will experience psychic expansion which will give us a clearer understanding of our Higher Self.  Additionally, the energy of this form will remove anything that keeps us from ascending into themultidimensional reality so that we become the expansive being we are capable of becoming while still living in our human form. A transformation will happen for you as you go about this journey….you will see yourself in your true multidimensional expression. Then you will be expressing the real you – the authentic, Divine,multidimensional self.  No longer will you be just your physical body for you have conscious clear inner light awareness of the connection to All that is and see All as part of Self. You will heal, transform,and evolve so that you are…..

Living from higher levels of freedom, love, and within the creativity of the True Multidimensional Self,your unique being of Self that is in unity, harmony and Oneness with All.

Benefits ofMultidimensional Self Empowerment

Activation of Multidimensional Self

Transcendence of the limits of the third dimensional life

Loss of self imposed limitations and illusions of separation

Experience a state of freedom from illusions

Activate spiritual free will and choice

Become more self aware and self determining

Access to hidden, higher knowledge, truth and wisdom

Psychic expansion

Gain clearer understanding of our Higher Self

Expression of true spiritual gifts

Growth into a heightened being of Higher light, love, wisdom, truth, knowledge and ability

Limitless thinking

Acceptance and utilization of full dimensionality

Expression of Higher traits

Experience more freedom, imagination, creativity and self fulfillment

Living from within the creativity of the True Multidimensional Self


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