Hearts Desires Activation Program
| Hearts Desires Activation Program 10 Activations- From Masters Healing Light Academy $50.00
Hearts Desires Activation Program
The Hearts Desires Activation Program has been given to us as a gift of Spirit so that we can makeour dreams come true. As co-creators of our lives it is our divine right to have the desires of our hearts. These activations will allow us to engage in the grace of co-creation where all miracles abound. This program is designed to remove anything that blocks or hinders our progress in someway so that we reach our goals and realize our heart’s desires. The activations will enable us to go to our heart and allow our heart to choose our deepest desires. As we work with this energy we consciously choose to enhance our lives so that we can see our hearts desires begin to manifest beyond our own wildest dreams. Then there are no limits to what we can manifest in our lives. It helps us to make wise choices and decisions that are in alignment with what we truly desire in our heart of hearts. These powerful activations will bring about a shift in consciousness which allows us to step out of boundary conditions of our consciousness and awaken to our heart desires so that we can have, do and be anything that our heart desires. As a result of working with these energies we will uncover the true nature of reality and our true divine power and potential. Our empowered self will be awakened so that we manifest our heart’sdesires. |