Healing Touch of Jesus Activation Program
The Healing Touch of the Master JESUS….A promise of Wholeness!
With your purchase of this attunement you will also receive 30 minutes of distant healing.
This is the way that Ascended MasterJesus affects us by His touch. Through this Activation System Ascended MasterTeacher Jesus gives us the gift of His healing touch so that we too can behealed by his presence and receive wholeness. There are six activations withinthis system.
The Activations
Cleansing TouchActivation will clear our physical, spiritual and mental bodies. This will remove,clear and cleanse any disempowering beliefs, shock, trauma, negative forces, toxins,disease, negative energy, other-dimensional intrusions, entities, evil orpossessing spirits and any other less than love energies within our bodies.
Quieting TouchActivation brings us peace. The energy will cleanse and still our minds andhearts so that we can relax and also experience relief from any sleepingdisorder or issue. Whatever concerns we have will leave us. Concentration andmemory will improve. The energy will be like a calming balm that washes over usso that we know all is truly well.
Illuminating Touch Activation willbring new light, love, awareness, faith, power, and connection to AscendedMaster Jesus and the Divine. It will renew our spirits, bring light to whatappears dark and uncertain, and illuminate the right paths for us. Our abilityto discern what is right for ourselves and for others in our lives will beraised so that we are making decisions that empower us and enhance our livesand the lives of those whom we love. We will receive higher knowledge and enlightenmentat an accelerated rate as a result of this activation.
Reassuring Touch Activationwill bring us the energy of Ascended Master Jesus’ reassuring love and touch.It will bring us calmness and peace no matter what storms are raging in ourlives.
We will know truepeace, serenity, tranquility and agape love. The energy will wrap us in ablanket of love from Master Jesus so that we experience reassurance in ourhearts, minds and spirits that no matter what happens around us we are safe andsecure with his love, light, protection and shield upon us.
Liberating Touch Activationbrings Ascended Master Jesus’ energy of miraculous healing as well as theconfidence and knowledge that we are counted as precious in the eyes of theDivine. This will allow us to receive greater wisdom and to speak about and actin faith in the wisdom we receive from Above. Fear and doubt in our ability toreceive Divine inspiration, intuitive thoughts and feelings will leave us. Fearabout speaking our truth will leave us. Fear of rejection and the need forapproval from others will leave us. We will be able to trust in, act on andspeak truth.
Healing Touch Activation isused to help us to activate and tap into the energy of Ascended Master Jesus’healing power. The energy of this activation will touch every part of ourlives, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
Through this activation our brokenlives are made whole again. We will experience release from any physicalsuffering, inner healing, restoration of the spiritual bond between the Divineand us, so that we are made whole again on all levels.