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Goddess Yellow Tara Attunement



Goddess Yellow Tara is beautiful and peaceful. Yellow Tara is a divine bodhisattva who can help one overcome fear and anxiety and help one to overcome suffering . Yellow Tara is the Buddhist goddess of wealth, good fortune, and abundance .



Goddess Yellow Tara has been implored for earthly riches as well as for fertility of field and womb. She has the power to remove poverty and bring abundance , wealth, and prosperity .



Yellow Tara has the ability to assist us by increasing all types of abilities, enriching us with wealth and prosperity, increasing abundance, eloquence, merit, knowledge, intellect and so on . The Goddess has the ability to help us to relax ad to trust in the infinite abundance available on all dimensions ?physical and spiritual worlds.



It is said that she is a destroyer of poverty ? put also of ignorance . In her great wisdom she offers devotees a choice which is to stay on the physical plane of material wealth and worldly splendor or to detach and experience the infinite wealth of enlightenment in other realms.


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