Eyes of the Heart Activation
The purpose of this activation is togive an opportunity to see with the "Eyes of Your Heart"….acompletely different set of eyes that the Divine makes available to us. This activation will do a form of etheric surgery to open the eyes of the heart. Throughthis activation we will receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation. The Eyesof our heart will be enlightened in order that we will know the path to whichthe Divine has called us, receive the riches of our Divine inheritance and Hisgreat power within us so that we work with His power which has mightierstrength and manifesting ability.
As a result we will utilize theattributes of the Divine that are a part of us already, develop more of theDivine nature, character, and experience the Divine’s presence within us in amighty way. Any discouragement that wehave experienced in seeking our path of purpose, receiving our Divineinheritance or accessing the Divine Power to accomplish what we desire in ourheart of hearts will be removed. Confusion about our direction will leave us.Any desire to give up and go in the wrong direction will be removed.
Rather than experiencingdiscouragement we will be empowered to rejoice in the challenges we meetbecause these obstacles represent great lessons in our lives which producehigher outcomes and results. The loving Energy of the Divine will literallypour into our hearts bringing us the ability to continue on our path even whenit is very difficult. Rather than looking at situations with our physical eyeswe will be able to see through problems to solutions by using our SpiritualEyes. As a result we will see past current vicissitudes in our life risingabove earth bound concerns and limitations.
We will receive the riches of ourglorious Divine inheritance because we will see beyond the current reality andinto the spiritual reality where all things are possible, where there isunlimited potential, so that we create the reality we not only desire but arealso ours by Divine right. Included in this is abundance in all areas of ourlives from monetary and material abundance, to an abundance of lovingrelationships, true friendships and brotherhoods with our fellows and joys fromfollowing our path of purpose. The Activation will open a whole new world to usas we will begin to see through our spiritual eyes, the glory that is Heaven.